
Transformation of Five Point Someone into 3 Idiots

  Transformation of Five Point Someone into 3 Idiots: A Study in Adaptation of Film Language and Techniques in the Texts   Dr. Swagat Patel (Adapting a text into a film requires certain inevitable changes. The changes can be done through some techniques and also in the use of language while adapting the text into the film.   In such an adaptation the literary language of the text is to be changed into cinematic language of the film. Sometimes the text material is either too short or too long for its film adaptation to fit into a two-to-three-hour film. Therefore, the techniques of condensation and expansion are used to adapt the text into film. This study investigates the techniques of condensation and expansion as applied to the novel ‘Five Point Someone’ and the flux of language while adapting it into a film entitled 3 Idiots .)   1.0    Introduction The present paper is a study in the adaptation of Five Point Someone in making it into a fil

Adaptation: The novel Guide into Film 'Guide'

Commercialism as a Determinant in Film Adaptation: The Case of R.K. Narayan’s The Guide and Dev Anand’s ‘Guide’ Dr. Swagat Patel Introduction In the process of transfer from one medium to another – that is, from the written to the audio-visual medium – certain changes become essential. There are three main reasons why a filmmaker may have to make major changes while adapting a literary work. First is, simply the changes demanded by the new medium. Film and literature each has its own specific tools for manipulating narrative structure. In a novel, a new chapter might take us back to a different time and place in the narrative; in a film, we might go back to that same time and place through the use of a flashback, a crosscut, or a dissolve. Second, filmmakers may make changes to highlight new themes, emphasize different traits in a character, or even try to solve problems they perceive in the original work. Third, a filmmaker may make drama